I also remember another wise friend telling me when I was a new mother of two great kids. "Kids are either a pain in the neck or a lump in the throat". Now, as the mother of two grown children and the grandmother of a beautiful 3-year-old, I remember this and reflect on how right she was. No love is stronger, I will always be their greatest supporter and probably will always be blind to their faults, they are truly wonderful people and their father and I love them dearly.
Over the years my children have given me my greatest highs and also my most trying and soul searching moments. I reflected on this some time ago at the wedding of the daughter of my very best friend. It was truly one of the nicest weddings that I have ever attended, everything ran like clockwork...the bride and my friend, (her mother) would have demanded nothing less and they were truly rewarded for all of their hard work with a day to remember and a special day for all of their guests.

Twenty or so years ago we all had small kids, now we are grandmothers and grandfathers and we have wrinkles and so much more life experience. Really it doesn't get better than that...remember my other friend the one who only has her journals!
Life, God and whatever else you believe in has been very good to me and mine.
The words of my wise friend were also so true, my children have the ability to annoy me more than anyone else in the world but they also have the ability to break my heart and for my heart to break with each of their disappointments or setbacks. Nothing is perfect but my life is good maybe even great and I try to remember that the only thing that really matters, is that I have family and friends who love me, so I am truly blessed. I hope you are too.